Project: Chat Room

Chat Room

In this project you will have the opportunity to create a chat room application implementation using WebSocket.
Follow the README.


WebSocket is a communication protocol that makes it possible to establish a two-way communication channel between a
server and a client.


Implement the message model

Message model is the message payload that will be exchanged between the client and the server. Implement the Message
class in chat module. Make sure you cover all the basic actions.

  1. ENTER
  2. CHAT
  3. LEAVE

Complete WebSocketChatServer

Implement all TODOs inside WebSocketChatServer and follow each method description.

Run the application with command

mvn build; mvn spring-boot:ru

Project Submission Checklist

Before submitting your project, please review and confirm the following items.
I am confident all rubric items have been met and my project will pass as submitted. (If not, I will discuss with my mentor prior to submitting.)
Project builds correctly without errors and runs.
All required functionality exists and my project behaves as expected per the project's specifications.

Once you have checked all these items, you are ready to submit!